As much as I hate to admit it, my garden is starting to decline. Oh sure, there are lots of plants still looking good and I suppose I should just focus on them. But as I walk my borders, I'm beginning to see yellow leaves and spent stems. Given that it's September now and this is totally normal, I shouldn't let it get to me. But it does. I don't want summer to end.
This pretty rose, 'Carefree Spirit' is going strong. The bees love this rose as much as I do. |
The Japanese Anemones are abloom. |
This one is called 'September Charm' and it is. What do you think, Mary Clark? |
This one is 'Pamina' from another spot in my garden. |
This is a new Aster this year for me. 'Monch' is making me happy with its clear, light periwinkle-blue blossoms. |
The tiny, red and yellow blossoms on this Nemesia are very fragrant. On warm days, I walk out to the scent of floral baby powder. One of the few annuals I can't be without. |
This planter is outdoing itself. The Fuchsia is 'Island Sunset'. |
These little tassels are adorable. I bought them in May as plugs at Fry Road Nursery. |
I got the pinky Impatiens on clearance in early July. I love the little two-tone flowers. |
On one of my nursery treks with my sister earlier this summer, I found Clematis herlacifolia. It's just starting to bloom. I love the elegant bells and dark stems. |
This is 'Golden Herald' Fuchsia from Fry Road. I recently planted Sedum oreganum in front of it. |
Finally, this Dahlia decided to bloom. I really like it though so I guess it was worth the wait.
I hope you're all enjoying your late-summer gardens.
Same here. The plants are on the decline but still beautiful at the same time. I hate to see the season end.
ReplyDeleteJust lovely, Grace. I have a patch of the Japanese Anemone under the sessile oak by the back of the house. Planted it 15 years ago or so. I love the buds and flowers. I also have clematis herlacifolia - another interesting leaf and flower plant. I really have so much work to do on my garden ... hope to clean it out here and there this fall and do some new plantings next spring (our climate is far too cold to plant much in the fall). Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat I love about your garden besides the incredible color is the lush greenness and wonderful creative whimsy that inspires me. I hope I can visit your garden in person one day!!
ReplyDeleteIf I lived where winter puts gardens to sleep, I'd hate to see summer end too. But, alas, I live in tropical, hot and steamy s.e. FL and I am so ready for cooler weather.
ReplyDeleteAs always your blooms are so pretty to see. You have such a wonderful variety.
Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
I wish the garden would just stay as beautiful and flowery as it is in late spring/early summer. I just this morning finally cut back my last spent lady's mantle flowers and old leaves, I've been trying to get that done for a month or so. It will put out new and look refreshed again soon, but for the moment it looks ugly. I like your Aster 'Monch.' I need to find that one, all my asters are the kind with tiny leaves and flowers.
ReplyDeleteYou've still got a lot of beautiful flowers. I really liked the fuchsias planted in front of the bike. I've got the late summer doldrums as well but I'm comforting myself with planning what I'll plant this fall - in fact, I've already started planting. (I couldn't stop myself.)
ReplyDeleteDon't remind me about it being late summer! I keep seeing everyone with their lovely anemones, and now I think I'll need some. Just where am I going to find room for more flowers?
ReplyDeleteI think your garden looks fantastic! And I love that Clematis. So pretty! I moved a C. 'Rooguchi' earlier this summer, but I haven't seen any life in it yet, and am pretty sure it's has become a summer casualty. It had that lovely bell-shape that yours have too. Alas, no more - I will be on the hunt for a new one!
ReplyDeleteGrace, your garden has so many interesting plants! September is still beautiful. As you, I'm not ready to let summer go. It just started, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'm the odd one , I love the Autumn garden , then I can't wait to see if I've improved the winter garden, then it's soon time to start afresh !
ReplyDeleteI really need to give nemesia a try. I wonder how it would do in my heat/humidity. I have Monck aster, too, and just love them. Your late summer garden looks so different from mine but it's a beauty!
ReplyDeletebeautiful, that clematis! your garden shows no signs of decline to my eyes...
ReplyDeleteYou still have a lot of lovely plants on show. Like you, I can't be without Nemesia, it just seems to go on and on blooming and needs very little care. Your Aster is so pretty, I'll have to look out for that variety.
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing the decline of plants too. I'm sad about that, but, in all truth, quite happy about the arrival of fall. I adore fall. If only I could have the cooler fall temperatures and my love of summer blooming plants? Your gardens are always so lush and colorful! I love visiting your blog and vicariously visiting them :)
ReplyDeleteIt's all so beautiful Grace! I'm okay with seeing summer fade into fall. Autumn colors, leaves turning, are my favorites in the garden.
ReplyDeleteI share your pain, Grace, at the decline of summer ! I hate it, and the colours of autumn do little to change my mind ! I know just what you mean about the garden beginning to fade, mine is the same ... individual plants are still doing well, but the feel of the garden is distinctly autumnal!
ReplyDeleteLove the clematis and the furry red caterpillars - what are they ??
This time of year is always a sad time for gardeners in our climate. My garden starts looking a bit ratty the moment the last lilies are finished so, in a way, I look forward to the clean up that winter will bring. To assuage the melancholy, I'm planting lots of bulbs this fall. There are still a few things to look forward to in the autumn garden and before you know it it'll be February and the Hellebores, camellias, and bulbs will have us excited about the start of a new gardening season.
ReplyDeleteHi Grace, I would enjoy fall more if our winters were not so cold, and spring weather would arrive a few weeks earlier.
ReplyDeleteI love that dark blue clematis, too. My September Charm is doing well, too.