Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Shifting Moods

Nearing the end of August, I find that, more than ever, my mood shifts from one of "Wow, my garden kicks ass!" to "Wow my garden is a pile of poop." 

Because there are always a boat-load of improvements that need to be made and many of them involve moving plants around which I can't really safely do yet, I'm forced to just grin and enjoy the imperfections. 

And do the deadheading.  

My wheelbarrow is full, more often than it's empty.

But even though many plants are finishing up, others are just getting started. 

Kaffir Lily (Schizostylis Hesperantha coccinea)

All my red hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are finishing up when,
out pops a dark burgundy-black beauty! 

Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) with a Phlox (P. paniculata)

A red Hardy Lobelia is beloved by both me and the bee!
(L. x speciosa 'Tania')
This pink hardy Lobelia is also a pretty thing.

This Lobelia is planted below my towering Seven-Sons Flower which,
I'm afraid is what the bees prefer.

The sound of bees buzzing near the Seven Son's Flower (Heptacodium miconioides)
is deafening. And lovely. 

I cut my Tamarix ramosissima back hard and lookie the blossoms!

My Rosa 'Jeanne LaJoie' is blooming again.

Salvia 'Amistad' is gaining girth.

 And now for some garden shots.

Red Four O'Clocks, Pink-flowering Sedums and Daboecia cantabrica 'Waley's Red'

Fuchsias and Thalictrum 'Hewitt's Double'

And the same area from the opposite angle
The peachy colored blossom is Canna 'Freckles'

Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' is about to color up.

Kind of messy here....

One of my new rusty finds this summer... a small vintage cultivator
and Coreopsis 'Mercury Rising'

Here is one of the three watermelons on this humble bramble of a bush.
The record-breaking heat has been good for something.

The 'Tri-Star' strawberries have really done well this year.
The secret, we've learned, is to not let the soil dry out.
Don't ask me about our water bill.

How is your gardening mood?


  1. If I were a bee, I know exactly where I would want to live! ;-) And your
    Tamarix ramosissima is absolutely gorgeous!
    This time of year I stop wanting to do chores in the garden. The great burst of work is done, the garden bloomed its head off, and now I just want to watch it slowly turn to gold. Before then, however, I will put in one extra burst of tidying and planting bulbs. I do love the slanted golden light of September with rosy crabapples in the trees and purple asters lining the paths, but it is bittersweet. Wishing you a soft autumn ahead! :)

  2. Oh my! You do still have beauty in your gardens. I especially love the garden shots with all the interesting vintage items.

  3. Love those lobelias! I also found the same to be true about my Tri-Stars. Once I realized they needed more water, I haven't been without fresh strawberries one day since. Also, do you have other posts that show more of your paving with the different bricks? I love that!

  4. Your garden looks so wonderful and green, Grace. My poor Pulmonarias are lying flat on the ground, I hope they can pull themselves together. It's just too hard to water 2 acres. Usually the plants do pretty well anyway but this year is pushing all their boundaries. I'm so surprised, that's not what I thought Tamarix flowers would look like, such a beautiful cascade of pink!

  5. Every virtual visit to your garden is a joy, Grace. Today, your comment about spring vs. fall is really hitting me. I just discovered some major rabbit damage where I've never had it before. So, I'm plotting for additional protection next year. They are voracious little devils!

  6. I've been in the "My garden looks like an old man's wrinkled butt" mood all summer. Thank goodness every year we get a do-over. Some day I'll get it right.

  7. I am in the exact same gardening mood.

  8. That dark-burgundy hollyhock is fabulous! Man, you are so lucky! And a watermelon to boot. Bravissima! I am totally with you on the garden this year. It has been soooo hard. In fact, I just did a post asking other gardeners for help in figuring out to do with my garden--then a consultant that is helping me market said I needed a blog post about the book first. ah well. so, okay, I'll do that and THEN I'll ask everybody for help. I was interested in Beth's comment about rabbit damage. We've NEVER had that before, but because our county has been removing coyotes, we have rabbits everywhere. In my garden, they ate all the baby dahlias and it took major work to get them tall enough so the rabbits couldn't get at them. Aaaargg!

  9. Salvia Amistad - what a beauty! My salvia Blue and Black is blooming profusely right now.
    I was afraid that, with such heat, nothing will be left to bloom in September, but it looks like our gardens always have something to surprise us.
    Your garden never fails, Grace!

  10. You have the most unique collection of plants I have ever seen. Your garden must be a jungle! Let's see, for today's favorite, I pick the simple garlic chive. Anything in the allium family is pleasing to me. Must be the firework shape!

  11. Gorgeous, Grace - your garden looks fantastic despite the heat...and hey, you have watermelons. Life is good :)

  12. Beautiful!! Yes, the heat seems to have skipped your garden! So green and lush still. Loving it!

  13. I'm ready to start hacking things back and redesigning. I'm ready for cool weather and rain. Your garden looks GREAT! Love that hollyhock. :)

  14. Grace, your gardens have weathered our ridiculously dry summer so well! I always love it when you showcase your rusty cute! I hope everything survives the wind storm. My hardy hibiscus are taking a beating :(

  15. Now see I don't see poop, I see beauty and wow a watermelon from the heat is wonderful. We are back to the heat and I would prefer a cooler, longer fall to work on the garden that has languished again.


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