Sunday, July 8, 2012

New At The Nursery

I HAVEN'T DONE A LOT OF nursery hopping this year. In fact, I haven't even darkened the door of my two favorite nurseries. Yet. But recently I went to a nursery not far from where I work. To tell you the truth, nothing much caught my eye, until I walked down the Hydrangea aisle. 

This pink, tiny-flowered jewel made me drool. At $55.00 though, I passed.

Another Hydrangea newbie:

Green and pink are my two favorite colors and combined, pure magic.

However, it wasn't difficult to walk away from this Hydrangea either, given the fact that it was just as pricey as 'Invincible.'

While at Home Depot recently, I couldn't leave without scanning the nursery aisles, right? I was surprised to find this variegated Knautia.

Even though it wasn't expensive, I passed. The plants didn't look all that healthy. Who knows? I may go back for it later if it keeps calling me. 

Wall plantings seem to be all the rage right now. I'm not really on board (pun intended) yet but I thought these were handsome. At $75 though, I wasn't racing to the cash register. 

Finally, I saw these little faux rock planters recently at, of all place, the grocery store! Who doesn't love  succulents? 

Although I didn't buy one, someone must have because they were gone the next time I visited the store.

Are you seeing anything notable at the nursery?


  1. Scarily that exact same knautia is at my Lowe's, looking just as pathetic. There must be a glut of the stuff they are trying to pawn off on us.

  2. Oh, I really like that variegated Knautia, I'll have to check out my local Lowes and see if they have it. They don't look that bad in your photo. I LOVE that Pistachio Hydrangea!

  3. I love this Hydrangea Invicibelle! but is too expensive. Nice color, bright pink.

  4. Grace, I want to add. Sometimes I regret that didn't buy the plant!

  5. I have never been to Shonnards, but have thought about it. I am pretty frugal so there is no way I would have bought the hydrangea's either. Rarely do I buy anything from Home Depot because unless it just came off the truck today, they are usually in bad shape.

  6. I love the variegated Knautia, that is one plant I am trying to grow from seed this year. I have a couple oi seedlings but probably won't get flowers until next year if they survive. I will have to go check them out, I love variegated plants as well. I lost all my Hydrangeas a couple of years ago to a bad winter so I'm not looking at them any more.

  7. Invisible Spirit does look beautiful but I passed it up too because of the prices for it. I got a Vanilla Strawberry instead. LOL! It is getting its first buds now. I have never saw the Pistachio hydrangea before. I love that Knautia. Anything with variegated foliage always gets my attention. I think you need that one Grace. LOL! I am an enabler .LOL!

  8. Oh man, I want one of those pink and green hydrangeas!!! I wouldn't have paid that price either, but I may have been tempted to snap off a piece to try and get it started. :o)

  9. Haven't allowed myself at the nursery lately. (I can't be trusted.) I caught my breath when I saw "Pistachio". Lovely. At that price I would have had to pass it up also.
    But I think I would have gone for the Knautia. :-) If you go back you should ask about a discount if it's looking sad.

  10. oh Grace ~ I'm totally gonna be dreamin' about that pink & green hydrangea tonight! Why are all the coolest plants so expensive? Amazing restraint my friend!!!!

  11. You know, as much as I love Knautia (and I DO love them), I can't make myself like the variegated one. I actually picked it up this spring...but put it back. I just think the variegation is a bit too busy for my taste...but it's probably just me ;-)

  12. What's not too pricey anymore? I haven't been to a nursery since before Spring...sigh...I am so far behind on emails, blogging...if it weren't for my girls we would be smothered under layers of dust! Hopefully things will calm down after Vacation Bible School..we have posters going all over this house right now...

  13. Barry and I are meeting at Lost Horizons Nursery later this week - I'm setting a serious budget in advance and taking a look at what holes I need to fill. Looking at your nursery visit has me excited at what I might find. I agree - $55 for a hydrangea, no matter how lovely is just too much.

  14. Gracie I think we have those hydrangea here and they aren't that pricey as the ones you saw (now I could be wrong) .. wall plantings .. nope .. I would kill them in no time I am sure .. but the faux rock planters ? I TOTALLY LOVE THEM !!!
    I wish I could find some here but they are all cement heavy darn things .. if any are left that is .. but that was a great tour girl! Thanks!
    Joy : )

  15. Grace:
    As Barbara mentioned,we are actually 'meeting' at Lost Horizons tomorrow! I too have set a budget, but, and laugh as you will, mine is not yet monetary, but rather the number of plants that I can fit into..... where? The list is at seven as of 11pm the evening before! The Hydrangea is impressive, and that Knautia has been requested quite a few times......

    I have my eye on a variegated Disanthus in the Lost Horizons catalogue..... 'Ena Nishiki' is likely coming home, and as fate would have it, he's the most expensive on the list! Why oh we do I do this to myself! At least one plantsman I know will be able to retire early!

  16. Self-denial isn't easy, but the high prices help. Aren't cameras great?

  17. The price will come down once the novelty wears off, and you will be glad you didn't get them at the introductory price...or so has been my experience in most cases.

  18. wow Im super impressed by the faux stone planter...if you can ask the store who supplied them....I so want one!

  19. I saw Invincibelle at Lowes in 5 galllon pots for much less than $55. I haven't been to other nurseries lately and my pocketbook is thanking me, though I'm missing looking around. Thanks for the nursery fix via blog :-)

  20. Have I ever mentioned I worked at one of those box stores and the only way to buy plants at them would be right when they are unloaded. Once the plants sit at those places they are neglected.

    Interesting the faux rock planters, while I love succulents I find some amazing ones at a local market.

    Wall plantings, sometimes maybe.

    I was a sucker for a hydrangea recently (let us not talk of where I bought it).


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