Monday, November 23, 2015


I've been waiting like, for-everrr for my Climbing Aster (Ampelaster carolinianus) to bloom. It's had buds for like, two months and now, finally one of those buds popped open. Here we go! Next spring I'm going to move the plant to a full-sun location and hope it will bloom earlier.

Ampelaster carolinianus

Other late-fall bloomers are this  Mexican Orange (Choisya ternata).
Choisya ternata
I'm happy to see this Hellebore is perking right up and fixing to bloom.
Helleborus foetidous 

Here it is with Nandina, Acanthus and ferns.
 I was happy to spot flowers on this small pot of Polygala!

Polygala chamaebuxus

Polygala chamaebuxus

A bit out of focus, but you get the idea.
 And then there are the diehards--the flowers still holding on despite the short, dark days of late fall and two light frosts.

Borage (Borago officinalis)

Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy'

Stachys 'Lilac Falls'

Penstemon 'Enor'

And here are two of the several still-blooming Fuchsias. 

Fuchsia NOID

The last blossom on Fuchsia 'Flash'

And finally, two wide shots of the garden to illustrate how messy everything is.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 


  1. You still have quite a few blooms, Grace! I need to try Choysia again, and this time I need to plant it rather than leaving it in a pot for over a year. I love your Helleborus foetidus and its companions. Ooh! You have the white form of Polygala chamaebuxus instead of 'Kamniski'! Do you remember where you got it? 'Enor' is gorgeous. Your garden does fall messiness well. The last photo looks especially nice. Everything has a ruddy/golden glow.

  2. I think you have more in bloom than I do, Grace. I'm glad the Aster bloomed for you, Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm so jealous of your climate right now. We're settling in for our long winter's nap, and nothing more will bloom until March. That Penstemon is really lovely, and I've always enjoyed the delicate little flowers of Borage. How interesting that your Climbing Aster is just blooming now!

  4. What lovely blooms! Your messiness is nice to look at too. I love it all.


  5. That Penstamon "Enor" is fabulous! I've not seen those shades of purply-blue. There is something of a delphinium in the one you've pictured. Just gorgeous. I was also excited to see my Helleborus out and doing well this morning. As you know, we are in for some VERY cold nights...lot's hope everybody doesn't suffer too much!

  6. You lucky girl, apparently you haven't had a frost or freeze yet. We've even had a killing freeze, so there's nothing left in my garden for this year. Time to rest.

  7. chez moi l'héllebore est en pot, celles en pleine terre n'ont pas résisté à l'hiver passé
    Ici du gel cette semaine vite remplacé par la pluie
    Merci pour ces jolies parenthèses
    Belle semaine

  8. Such pretty and sweet blooms Grace! I think your garden looks gorgeous in autumn.

  9. such beautiful plants, v nice collection.

  10. Hello, Grace! I can't believe how much you still have in bloom. We on the other hand have azaleas and rhododendron blooming. :P But the frost is finally here and it has been wonderful to have had the rain.
    We hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.


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